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We are recruiting students, researchers, and administrative assistants as follows:

If you have any inquiries about our research team, please contact Professor Dongwoo Kang.

The information on admission in this page is updated on 27th Nov. 2024.

Graduate Students
- MS+PhD Program
- BS+MS Program
- PhD Program
- MS Program

마감 / Closed

1st Semester in 2025: 0 position

2nd Semester in 2025: 0 position

All Semesters in 2026:  Approx. 2 position

For foreigners, Please refer to

CBNU G-CRUIT system. 

지원자격 (Please check eligibility below.)

 (기본) 국내 4년제 대학 학사학위취득(예정)자

 (우대) 본교 학사과정 재학생 중 학사학위취득(예정)자


 직전학기 전공성적 등 정량평가지표 고려

 지원동기/진학의사 등 정성평가지표 반영

주의사항 - 본 연구팀 참여 불가능 요건

 연구의지가 현저히 낮은 학생 

 기초전공이해도 및 어학실력이 현저히 낮은 학생

Undergraduate Internship 
- BS Course Internship
- Grad School Applicants

모집 중 / OPEN

1st Semester in 2025: 2 position

2nd Semester in 2025: 1 position

본 연구실 입학희망자 우선 채용

​석박사통합과정 입학희망자 우대

지원자격 (Please check eligibility below.)

 (기본) 국내 4년제 대학 학사과정 재학생

 (우대) 본교 학사과정 재학생


 직전학기 전공성적 등 정량평가지표 고려

 지원동기/진학의사 등 정성평가지표 반영

주의사항 - 본 연구팀 참여 불가능 요건

 연구의지가 현저히 낮은 학생 

 기초전공이해도 및 어학실력이 현저히 낮은 학생

Full-time Researcher
- Post Doc.
- Research Professor
​- Researcher

마감 / Closed

1st Semester in 2025: 0 position

2nd Semester in 2025: 0 position

Stipend-assisted position

지원자격 (Please check eligibility below.)

 (기본) 국내외 4년제 대학 석사/박사학위취득(예정)자

 (우대) 학위과정 연구실적이 우수한 자


 학부 전공성적/연구실적/어학능력 등 정량평가지표 고려

 지원동기/박사학위 연구주제 등 정성평가지표 반영

주의사항 - 본 연구팀 참여 불가능 요건

 연구의지/기초전공능력/어학실력이 현저히 낮은 자

행정보조 사무원
- 행정실무보조
- 회계정산
- 프로젝트 관리
- 법인관련업무

마감/ Closed

지원자격 (This position is not available for foreigners.)

 (기본) 국내외 4년제 대학 학사학위취득(예정)자

 (우대) 국책/기업체 연구과제 참여 또는 행정보조 경력보유


 국책/기업체 연구과제 참여 및 행정보조 경력을 고려

 연구비관리시스템(RMS) 사용 경험여부 고려


 근무기간/근무시간 및 급여는 협의에 따라 결정


* Master Program and Master-PhD Integrated Program

  • Applicants who have obtained (or are expected to obtain) a bachelor’s degree from a domestic or international four-year university.


* Bachelor-Master Integrated Program

  • Students currently enrolled in this university’s bachelor’s program from the second semester of the sophomore year to the second semester of the junior year.


* PhD Program

  • Applicants who have obtained (or are expected to obtain) a master’s degree.


* Undergraduate Internship Program

  • Current students enrolled in this university’s bachelor’s program or students enrolled in a bachelor’s program at a domestic 4 year university.


* Researcher

  • Applicants who have obtained (or are expected to obtain) a master's or doctoral degree from a domestic or international four-year university and have an outstanding research record.


Evaluation Criteria

  • Quantitative Evaluation Indicators: Includes undergraduate major GPA, official English test scores, etc.

  • Qualitative Evaluation Indicators: Includes motivation for applying, major suitability, understanding of the major, etc.


Important Notes - Conditions for Ineligibility 

  • Applicants aiming to obtain a degree part-time solely for the purpose of promotion evaluation.

  • Applicants with significantly low understanding of the major, suitability for the major, or research motivation.

  • Foreign applicants who have disqualifications for obtaining a Korean visa, or those who intend to engage in commercial activities while pursuing their degree program.

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